Using the Date Placements Feature

The Date Placement feature allows you to automate all your date sponsorships or special mentions such as yartzeit, birthday, anniversary; classes; local holidays & special local events.

The system can automatically translate the date into the corresponding Hebrew date & choose the correct placement, taking care not to overwrite existing information such as halachic times and other calendar notations.

You can enter your dates into our system one by one; But if you have a large list, it's best if you upload the entire list together in a Microsoft Excel file.
To prepare an Excel file:


Above link is a sample Excel file in the necessary format, which you can download and customize. Read below for detailed guidelines.

  • Make sure to put the information in the first Sheet in the document.
  • Use the first row to enter column names, and give them names you will understand and remember.
  • Each row should have the following columns:
    The secular date of the event, including the ORIGINAL year. You do NOT have to "translate" it into the corresponding date in the upcoming year.
    The type of event this is. This should be one of the following
    Local Holiday
    Sponsorship text:
    The words you actually want printed on the calendar (usually the name of the person).
    Translate to Hebrew:
    This column should contain either
    (do NOT leave anything empty).
    means that you’re asking the system to translate the date into the proper Hebrew Calendar date for the upcoming year.
    means the system will see it as a secular date, and will place the information on that date in the upcoming year.
  • The text column fit about 25-28 characters in one line. Our system will automatically break up your text into two or more lines, as needed. If you wish to control where the text will be broken up, you use the “|” character (shift "\" on your keyboard) as a line breaker.
  • The text column should NOT contain descriptions such as “birthday of “ or “in loving memory”. Our system will add that automatically (you will have a choice of what it should write).
  • If you don’t know the exact year in which a secular-date event occurred, you can choose any year, as it won’t matter.
  • If you don’t know the exact year in which a Hebrew-date event occurred, you can, again, choose any year to translate into the corresponding secular date. The exception to this rule are any Adar based events, for which you must choose a similar type year (peshutah or meuberes).
  • CMS users: Just run an occasion report and export to Excel. You are well on your way already -- just folllow the detailed instructions above for completing the preparation of your file.

  • Choose “Date Sponsorships” from online menu.
  • Click on “import Excel file”.
  • Click “browse” to choose the correct file on your computer.
  • Click “upload” to upload the file to our system.
  • If the system detects a sheet, it will load the column names (or if it can’t find any, the contents of the first row) into the four dropdown-boxes below. Make sure the system detects all the columns in your file, then choose the correct column for each of the four pieces of information the system needs to detect. For the "translate to Hebrew" column, you can choose to ignore what's on the Excel sheet and choose your own "override" setting, defaulting to either yes or no.
  • Click on “import list”, at which point the system should load your entire list.

  • Click on “show unavailable dates” to check if there are any dates which our system will not be able to place automatically.
  • By default, our system will show a little icon for a candle, birthday cake, and Chupah for yartzeit, birthday, and anniversary date respectfully. This minimizes the clutter on the actual calendar. You can choose to change it to display
    Happy birthday
    In memory of
    Happy anniversary
    by changing the setting on top of the page.
  • Our system will automatically break up your text into two or more lines, as needed. If you wish to control where the text will be broken up, you use the “|” character as a line breaker (“shift”+”\”).
  • Date of type “Local holiday” will show up at the bottom of the box; followed by “event”, and then Yartzeit, birthdays, and anniversaries.
  • The default is for local holidays to have a different, somewhat larger font (Zurich, 9pt). Events, as well, will have a different look (Berlin Sans, 9pt), with a third style for birthdays, anniversaries, and yartzeits. Using the "options" button, you can choose which fonts will be used.
  • Using the "italics for hebrew dates" option, text will be italicized depending on whether they represent the secular or the Hebrew date.
  • If you have too much text to display on a particular date, the system will automatically condence the text for that date to make it fit -- but only up to the limit set in the "max reduction when tight" settting (default: up to 2pt smaller).
  • Use the “create preview” button to see how the dates will look on your calendar. When creating your proofs upon submission of your files to print, make sure to choose the option of including your date sponsorships.
  • This system is still evolving. Errors? Problems? Suggestions? Please write to us immediately.

We take no responsibility for any errors or mistakes. The responsibility to double check everything that is printed on your calendar is always yours, and yours alone.